donderdag 24 mei 2012

Blog 2 week 4

Blog 2 week 4



The daily tablets are “neither safe nor effective”, experts say

Thursday May 24,2012

By Jo Willey

MILLIONS of Britons who take pills to boost bone strength are feared to be doubling their risk of a heart attack.

Top doctors say calcium supplements should only be taken with caution after raising doubts about their safety.

The daily tablets are “neither safe nor effective” and their widespread use should be discouraged, experts say.

Worrying research has shown that people who regularly take the tablets are 86 per cent more likely to have a potentially fatal heart attack than those taking no dietary supplements.

And people who take only calcium tablets are even more at risk.

They are more than twice as likely to suffer a heart attack as those who took no supplements at all.

The researchers also warned that trying to compensate for deficiencies by boosting calcium intake through diet is pointless as it makes no difference to staving off heart disease and stroke.

This research indicates that there may be an increased risk of having a heart attack for people who take calcium supplements
Natasha Stewart, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation

The researchers led by Professor Sabine Rohrmann from the University of Zurich, Switzerland, conclude: “This study suggests that increasing calcium intake from diet might not confer significant cardiovascular benefits, while calcium supplements, which might raise heart attack risk, should be taken with caution.”

In an accompanying editorial, Professors Ian Reid and Mark Bolland from the University of Auckland in New Zealand, said the safety of calcium supplements “is now coming under increasing scrutiny”. They wrote: “Calcium supplements have been widely embraced by doctors and the public on the grounds that they are a natural and therefore safe way of preventing osteoporotic fractures.

“It is now becoming clear that taking this micronutrient in one or two daily doses is not natural, in that it does not reproduce the same metabolic effects as calcium in food.”

This article has a medical twist to it. It says that people in England who take calcium pills to strengthen their bones have an increased chance of having heart attacks. The pills people take are not effective and even dangerous. This micronutrient has not the same effect as calcium in real food has. When taking these pills, people should be warned of the consequences affecting their health. Calcium may same innocent ( said in this article) but it is not good for your heart. ( 91)

Why these pills are provided in England is a mystery to me. When making such pills I am reassured that they are tested and are safe for you to take them. Obviously this may not be expected of these pills. The medical industry must take his responsibility of providing these pills and donate a sum of money to the victims. Because that is what you are when you are lied to and it is even affecting your health! I hope this does not happen in Holland but I am sure the medical lab’s all around the world can improve their way of producing medicines and maybe test them one more extra time. We are not talking about toys here, it is about people, so I think we should treat them with care and good medicines if needed!  ( 137)

1 opmerking:

  1. How do you feel if your parents gave you calcium tablets so you would grow up to be a strong and healthy boy or girl. Medicine should be examined more carefully before they can be sold in a drugstore. I am glad that a scientist thought it might be clever to examine the pills because he probably made lot of people think twice before they buy them.
