Blog 1 week 2
Hello dear readers! :) hihi
This article is about whether the UK should provide children aged 13 the pill, without GP’s prescription or parental permission. The overall idea is to increase teenage pregnancies throughout the UK. The Department of Health says pharmacies should be able to under 16’s if proper safeguards were in place. A spokesman of the pharmacies said that, before giving the contraceptive Pill, they encourage the teenager to talk to their parent’s and making sure that the child is fully aware of their actions. Managers in at least 3 areas have already opened their store for 13 year olds. Opponents of this strategy say that it undermines the law of having underage sex. This way you are stimulating the children to have sex instead of discouraging it.
Review: In my opinion this is a very important issue to discuss because teen moms are seen all around the world. The fact that they are trying to increase the numbers of under aged teenage mothers it is very positive but it has to go hand in hand with the law and if not I think reconsideration is required. You must think about what this campaign is sending out towards the youth, it can say: ‘you can and are allowed to have sex under the age of 16’. The question is do you want to send that message? I think there are other ways of dealing with this issue such as involving the parents in this whole story. They know their child and can decide or counsel with their teenagers. I also believe that it should not be allowed without a GP’s prescription. That way nobody knows what is going on in the teenager’s life and I think they should meddle in more to know what the teenager’s needs really are.
I think it is great that they do this. Teen pregnancies are terrible! Children destroy their lives at a young age by making the mistake to have sex without contraception. Not just their own but also their parents life get in a rollercoaster when they get pregnant. I hope 13 year old girls who have the intention to get layed are smart enough to visit one of the pharmacies.